Happy Healthy Year of the Wood Snake
/Hello friends! I hope you are warm and well. 2025 has already come in with such intensity and seismic shifts. What does the Wood Snake represent and forecast for us in the coming months? As always, nothing is written in stone. What lies ahead for you depends on your perception, your narrative, your beliefs, words, and actions.
Snakes represent change and transformation, shedding of skin. If we choose to face change with worry and fear, the result is constriction, stagnation, isolation and more of what we don’t want. Challenges and change can always bear growth and wisdom. Wood represents strength, flexibility, and courage. Sometimes a NYC street shows us how the roots of a tree with its quiet, slow, steady energy, can have enough force to burst through a concrete sidewalk. We also contain this resilient wood energy. The task at hand is to face all of this new year’s change with courage and expansion, continually letting go of fear. Perhaps we will wake up parts of ourselves that have been asleep and see it reflected in a stronger community around us. If we stay centered in the way of the wood snake, challenges and big change can bring about wisdom.
If you find yourself lost in uncertainty and anxiety, or if you start to get weighed down by it all, the following is a meditation you can do seated or lying down:
start to withdraw your senses and look inward
tune into your breath and deepen it
picture a huge heavy metal box
take your time and one by one put into the box every single worry, everything that is preoccupying your mind
now close the box with a secure heavy lid and imagine it clearly clang shut
now focus on your breath coming in and see it as a clean bright light that brings health and vitality into your body and into your head
see it filling you
as you exhale, picture murky toxicity leaving your body
see all sickness in any form leaving your body
do this for several cycles and then picture your body filled with and blanketed in light
think to yourself ‘I believe in my strength. I believe in my courage. I believe in my light.’